
Martha Jimenez's Studio-Workshop receives solidarity visit

Camaguey- For the delight of the infant assistants, the Martha Jimenez Studio Workshop hosted the second meeting between American divers and the children's project "Brush with Soul of Kiss", which sponsors the aforementioned gallery.

In the meeting, the union of friendship and love that is longed for, between the two nations, was strengthened, with art and human solidarity as a bridge. Through the slogan "The sea is the friend that unites us", the children of the aforementioned project and the divers departed in the Plaza del Carmen, on Saturday morning.

The Visual Arts constituted the element that consolidated the emotional encounter. After welcoming the American divers, a poem about the care of the sea was read.

Finally, the creation of the title of the works took place, with the participation of the Camagueyan infants and the American visitors, in addition to the intervention in a public pictorial mural, among other attractive actions that were developed.

The poem was a gift to divers, who applauded the girl Evelyn Iraola after reading it:


If talking about environment,and
what we should have to care,
we should mind about the sea
from every land we live in.
Sea, feels in his own body
even someone isn’t concerned
all the garbage with no name
that hurts his own integrity
because the sea is as the life
as it’s the same for man.

The sea works as our lungs
when oxygen is comprised
and the future of our earth
without restraining us
It’s a reflection like
the bluest of our sky.
All the food that is inside
It’s a gift for mankind.
So, the divers with much love
preserve it of all abuses
From the unconsciousness of man.

Any child is like the sea,
if anyone loves not him,
and throws trashes, so he dies
being unable just to breathe.
So let’s go to think about
for keeping it well clean.
That way nature will provide
along with our brave diver,
to keep alive our environment
plenty of oxygen and prettyness


Si hablamos del Medio Ambiente
y qué debemos cuidar
hay que cuidar a la mar
desde cada continente.
El mar, en su cuerpo siente
-aunque a alguno no le asombre-
tanta basura sin nombre
que le produce una herida.
Pues el mar es de la vida
la misma vida del hombre.

El mar es como un pulmón
donde el oxígeno encierra
el futuro de la tierra
sin ponernos condición.
Es reflejo del balcón
más azul del firmamento
donde todo su alimento
es para el hombre. Y los buzos
lo cuidan de los abusos
del hombre sin sentimiento.

Cualquier niño es como el mar
que cuando alguien no lo quiere
le tira basura, y muere
por no poder respirar.
Vamos todos a cuidar
bien unidos su limpieza
que así la naturaleza
y nuestro buzo valiente
mantendrán el Medio Ambiente
con oxígeno y belleza.

Author: Roger Rodriguez Martin
Source: Studio-Workshop Martha Jimenez

Published: Monday, 04 November, 2019